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In order to facilitate access to the German labor market for international workers from non-EU countries, numerous barriers have been removed with the Skilled Immigration Act. A skilled worker is anyone who

  • is a university graduate or
  • has completed vocational training recognized by the state in their country of origin with a minimum duration of 2 years and has at least 2 years of professional experience.

If you have a concrete job offer for a non-regulated profession, the priority check by the Federal Employment Agency does not apply. The working conditions will still be checked by the Federal Employment Agency. You are permitted to work in jobs for which your vocational qualification qualifies you, as well as related jobs. Helper and trainee occupations are excluded.

Your professional qualification no longer needs to be additionally recognized in Germany if you earn a minimum salary. This salary threshold as well as the prescribed collective wage agreement are intended to secure you a long-term perspective on the German labor market.

If the salary threshold is not reached, recognition of the professional qualification is necessary. Nevertheless, you can start your employment immediately if you agree a recognition sponsorship with your employer and mutually undertake to carry out the recognition procedure quickly.

There are special simplifications for IT specialists who, due to the high demand on the labour market, can take up qualified employment without a recognized qualification and without proof of German language skills.

Your status as a skilled worker has a facilitating effect on your right to stay and aspects of family reunification.

With a power of attorney from the skilled worker, employers can initiate a fee-based accelerated skilled worker procedure at the responsible immigration authority. The duration of the procedure until the visa is issued is significantly shortened.


A draft law passed by the Bundestag on 23.06.2023 provides for this: Skilled workers as defined in the Skilled Immigration Act who do not have a specific job offer but have potential for the German labor market can receive an opportunity card. The opportunity card can be used to enter the country to look for a job or training place within one year. The opportunity card is awarded according to a points system. Criteria include

  • Qualification (e.g. for bottleneck occupation)
  • work experience
  • German and English language skills (German at least A1)
  • age
  • Relation to Germany and
  • Potential of the partner in marriage or cohabitation

It is not yet clear how the law will be implemented in the future and under what exact conditions the Chancenkarte can be applied for. Initial requirements have been formulated:

During the search, the applicant must be able to support themselves and may accept employment. The opportunity card can be extended once for up to 2 years if a binding job offer or an employment contract for qualified employment is available and the Federal Employment Agency agrees.

Einreise und Aufenthalt zwecks Arbeit

Sie sind herzlich willkommen auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. Unter Angabe Ihres Herkunftslandes im Konfigurator erfahren Sie mehr über Ihre persönlichen Bedingungen für Einreise und Aufenthalt. Für Staatsbürger aus Ländern der EU bzw. des EWR gilt die Ar

Einreise und Aufenthalt zwecks Studium

Sie sind herzlich willkommen zu einem Studium in Deutschland. Unter Angabe Ihres Herkunftslandes im Konfigurator erfahren Sie mehr über Ihre persönlichen Bedingungen für Einreise und Aufenthalt. Stammen Sie aus einem Land der EU bzw. des EWR, können Sie