Housing situation
When moving to Jena, either directly from abroad or from other parts of Germany, the first and most important questions to clarify are usually the choice of accommodation and the associated costs.
Your future home and the living environment should help you to feel at home in Jena.
The housing situation in Jena is similar to that in larger conurbations. The low vacancy rate means that rents are rising steadily and there are sometimes waiting times. The average rent in Jena is above the regional average.
The price is higher or lower depending on the location and furnishings of the apartment. Rentable living space is most commonly found in sizes ranging from 40 to over 90 m².
When searching for an apartment, you will come across the terms 1-room, 2-room, 3-room etc.. These describe the number of rooms available to you in addition to the kitchen and bathroom.
In addition to the pure rental costs, also known as basic rent, you will need to budget for additional costs (also known as operating costs) for water, heating, garbage and cleaning fees. Expenses for improvements such as an elevator or a renovated bathroom can also be included in the service charges.
Depending on your personal consumption, you will pay electricity costs for your apartment. Depending on the size of your household, you can expect an annual energy consumption of 2000 kWh or more.