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Training for refugees

The provisions on taking up gainful employment also apply to vocational training.

During your first 3 months with a residence permit, you may not take up any gainful employment and therefore also no internship or training.

After this period, you can generally start company-based or school-based vocational training without any restrictions. You must have the approval of the Foreigners' Registration Office; approval from the Federal Employment Agency is usually not necessary.

School internships are usually permitted immediately, others only after 6 months of residence.

Existing residence restrictions can be lifted after obtaining a training place upon application to the Foreigners' Registration Office.

If you already have a residence permit and unrestricted access to the labor market, you can start an internship or training at any time.

With a tolerated stay permit, you may take up an internship or training under the same conditions as with a residence permit. There are no waiting periods.

Tolerated stay for training

Anyone who starts a qualified school or vocational training program with a tolerated stay permit is entitled to a tolerated stay permit for the entire duration of the training program.

The tolerated stay for training cannot be granted if specific measures to end your stay are already imminent or if you are responsible for an obstacle to deportation. The same applies if you have committed criminal offenses that have resulted in a sentence of 50 daily rates or more.

In general, you are not entitled to a tolerated stay for training if you come from a safe country of origin, your first registration took place on or after 01.09.2015 and an asylum application was submitted that was rejected.

The Ausbildungsduldung expires if you break off your training prematurely or if there are criminal grounds for doing so. After dropping out of training, you are entitled to a one-off tolerated stay for 6 months, during which you can look for another training position.

After the training

If you have successfully completed your training and are still employed in a job corresponding to your training, you will be issued a residence permit in accordance with Section 18a (1a) of the Residence Act.

The Foreigners' Registration Office will grant you a tolerated stay for 6 months to look for a suitable job after the end of your training.

Einen Ort zum Leben finden

Sie suchen eine Wohnung in Jena? Erste Orientierung bietet Ihnen das Internet. Über Webseiten für Immobilien und auch Inserate auf Anzeigenseiten können Sie schnell fündig werden. Mitunter gibt es Aushänge direkt an den zu vermietenden Objekten. Auch in d

Arbeit für Geflüchtete

Grundsätzlich steht Ihnen als Geflüchteter der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt offen, sobald Sie einen Aufenthaltstitel besitzen, der Erwerbsfähigkeit gestattet. Demzufolge können Sie frühestens ab 3 Monaten nach Ihrer Ankunft eine Arbeit aufnehmen. Während Sie si

5 steps to vocational training

  • Hobbies
  • Special interests and skills
  • previous knowledge
  • ...
  • Careers advice
  • training fairs
  • own research
  • ...
  • try out different professions
  • Check your own expectations
  • Make contacts
  • Is the job what I imagined it would be?
  • ...
  • Research on all platforms (Internet, employment agency, daily newspaper, notices...)
  • Direct inquiry
  • ...
  • Observe formal requirements
  • Obtain expert help / have it proofread
  • ...