Training support for refugees
As a refugee, you are subject to a waiting period of 3 months before you have access to the training and labor market in Germany.
Even then, your access and thus possible funding depends on whether you are permitted to work. In exceptional cases, funding is possible if you have particularly good prospects of remaining in Germany. Ask your local employment agency for advice on this.
If you come from a safe country of origin, funding is not possible for the time being.
Federal Training Assistance Act BAföG
As a refugee, you can receive BAföG benefits under the generally applicable conditions if you meet one of the following requirements.
You will receive funding in accordance with BAföG if you
- are entitled to asylum, recognized refugee or subsidiary protection.
- are in Germany with a residence permit for family reasons in accordance with §§ 30 - 34 and your parents or spouse have a settlement permit.
- have been in Germany for at least 15 months and have a tolerated stay permit or a humanitarian residence permit in accordance with
- § 25 paragraph 3.
- § 25 paragraph 4 sentence 2.
- § 25 paragraph 5 .
- have been in Germany for at least 15 months and have a residence permit for family reasons in accordance with §§ 30 - 34.
- have a residence permit and have been in Germany for 5 years and have worked for 5 years or one parent has been employed in Germany for at least 3 years in the last 6 years. This condition effectively excludes you from receiving benefits.
Training support according to SGB II
In general, you can receive access to training support in accordance with SGB III(BAB, abH, BvB, AsA, EQ) if you
- have been recognized as a refugee outside Germany, but have your habitual residence in Germany and have a permanent right of residence.
- have your permanent residence in Germany and have a residence permit in accordance with one of the following paragraphs:
- § 22
- § Section 23 (1) or (2), Section 23a
- § 25 para. 1 or 2, § 25a, § 25 para. 3, para. 4 sentence 2, para. 5
- § 28
- § 31
- § 37
- § Section 38 para. 1 no. 2
- § 104 a
are the spouse, partner or child of a foreigner with a settlement permit and have a residence permit in accordance with § 30 or §§ 32-34.
You can also be awarded BAB vocational training assistance if you have already completed training or worked in a profession in your country of origin, but this cannot be recognized in Germany.
You can also be granted abH training assistance if you are taking part in an introductory qualification or in-company vocational training.
The individual case support then includes socio-educational support or the reduction of educational and language deficits, takes place in close consultation with the employment agency or job center and is fully covered by them.
AsA assisted training also offers such individual support for you and your training company before and during vocational training.
Training support with a residence permit
From the fourth month of your stay, you can take part in entry-level training without restriction.
You can receive BAB, abH, BvB or AsA if you
- have been legally employed in Germany for 5 years.
- have at least one parent who has legally resided in Germany in the last 6 years and has been gainfully employed here for 3 years.
Educational support with toleration
From the fourth month of your stay, you can take part in an introductory training course without restriction.
You can receive BAB, abH and AsA if you
- have already been legally resident in Germany for 15 months.
- have been legally employed in Germany for 5 years.
have at least one parent who has been legally resident in Germany for the last 6 years and has been gainfully employed here for 3 years.
You can receive BvB if you
- have been legally employed in Germany for 5 years.
- have at least one parent who has legally resided in Germany in the last 6 years and has been gainfully employed here for 3 years.