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Benefits during studies and training

Depending on whether you are studying or doing vocational training, you can apply for financial support, e.g. under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) or vocational training allowance (BAB). However, you may no longer be entitled to other benefits.

As a rule, you are not entitled to supplementary benefits under SGB II (citizen's allowance) or housing benefit. There may be an exception if you are already completing a second training course or are learning a profession that is not recognized by the state and therefore have no basic entitlement to BAB.

If you are completing a school education and have received a negative response to your BAföG application, you can apply for housing benefit.

As a student, you may be entitled to housing benefit if

  • you receive BAföG as a bank loan.
  • you are not entitled to BAföG on the merits.
  • you have a scholarship.
  • you receive BAföG and live with someone who receives citizen's allowance and is not a parent.

If you become a parent during your training, new entitlements may arise. With the birth of a child, you may (again) be entitled to BAföG or BAB, housing benefit or a certificate of eligibility for social housing (Wohnberechtigungsschein).

International trainees and students without a settlement permit or permanent residence permit in Germany are also excluded from receiving social benefits because their stay is usually linked to them being able to finance it themselves.

Before applying for social benefits, you should definitely seek advice. Otherwise, the immigration authority may see the application as a reason to revoke your residence permit and ask you to leave the country.