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The internship offers you the opportunity to work in a company for a limited period of time and thus gain practical experience in a potential profession. Sometimes it is also used for further vocational training or is a practical component of a course of study.

An internship is not a fully-fledged employment relationship. The company provides interns with new knowledge about the professional field, everyday working life and processes in the company.

If it is generally a compulsory internship during school or university, no salary is usually paid. If the internship is voluntary and lasts longer than 3 months, you are generally entitled to the minimum wage.

Social security contributions are paid depending on the specific internship circumstances and agreements.

Even if you come from abroad, you can complete an internship in Germany. Internships are generally regarded as gainful employment, which is why the same entry and residence regulations apply as for all other employment relationships.

Only under certain conditions does an internship lasting less than 3 out of 12 months not count as gainful employment. You can find out from the Federal Foreign Office which internships are subject to these restrictions.


In der deutschen Gesetzgebung gibt es zahlreiche Rahmenbestimmungen, um Sie als Arbeitnehmer vor Arbeitsunfällen zu bewahren und Ihre allgemeine Gesundheit zu schützen. Arbeitnehmer meint in diesem Zusammenhang alle Beschäftigten, auch Schüler, Praktikant

4 steps to an internship

  • Voluntary or compulsory internship
  • for professional orientation
  • to bridge the gap
  • to gain practical experience
  • to gain an insight into a particular company (Is this company a suitable trainer for me?)
  • ...
  • Duration
  • Salary
  • Social security
  • Entry and residence, if applicable
  • ...
  • Research on all platforms (Internet, employment agency, daily newspaper, notices...)
  • Inquire directly with interesting companies (unsolicited application)
  • Clarify internship tasks in advance and compare them with your own expectations
  • ...
  • Observe formal requirements
  • Seek expert help / have it proofread
  • ...