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After school

Have you successfully finished school? Congratulations - your future opportunities are numerous.

Your personal skills and interests will help you to formulate concrete ideas for your future. Get support from experts, take advantage of career guidance services and visit university and training fairs.

You may have already completed part-time jobs or internships during your time at school where you were able to discover a future career field for yourself. You may even have already made contact with a potential future training company.

Many young people opt for dual vocational training in a recognized training occupation or for school-based training at a vocational college. If your desired occupation requires a different qualification, you could aim for the next higher school-leaving qualification.

You may also want to start a degree course. Take advantage of the advice offered by the universities on the course content and find out about your prospects after graduation.

If you are still unsure and do not want to or cannot start training or studying straight away, there are many useful ways to bridge the gap.

Various internships or voluntary service will show your interest, increase your qualifications and offer you orientation. Of course, you can also complete these abroad to further develop your language skills.

A stay as an au pair or work and travel can also be an enormous enrichment for you, not only in terms of career opportunities.

Überblick Berufliche Ausbildung

Wer in Deutschland die Schule verlässt, erlernt in der Regel im Anschluss einen bestimmten Beruf. Mit einer beruflichen Ausbildung haben Sie optimale Chancen, eine gut bezahlte Stelle auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zu finden.

Überblick Studium

Herzlich willkommen zum Studium in Jena, einer der zugleich ältesten und innovativsten Universitätsstädte Deutschlands. Etwa ein Viertel aller Einwohner der Stadt sind Studierende, über 2000 von ihnen kommen aus dem Ausland. Die Friedrich-Schiller-Univer


Das Praktikum bietet Ihnen die Gelegenheit, für einen begrenzten Zeitraum in einem Unternehmen zu arbeiten und so praktische Erfahrungen in einem möglichen Beruf zu sammeln. Mitunter dient es auch der beruflichen Weiterbildung oder ist praktischer Bestand