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Internship for refugees

As a refugee, you can also aim for an early entry into the labor market through an internship. Asylum seekers must observe a waiting period of at least 3 months and require the approval of the foreigners authority.

School internships are usually permitted immediately, others only after a 6-month stay. With your residence permit, you have immediate access to internships. If you have a tolerated stay permit, you will need the approval of the foreigners authority to take up an internship.

The approval of the employment agency is usually not necessary. Alternatively, you can apply for an internship in a company without approval. You can obtain detailed information from the relevant authorities.


Das Praktikum bietet Ihnen die Gelegenheit, für einen begrenzten Zeitraum in einem Unternehmen zu arbeiten und so praktische Erfahrungen in einem möglichen Beruf zu sammeln. Mitunter dient es auch der beruflichen Weiterbildung oder ist praktischer Bestand


In der deutschen Gesetzgebung gibt es zahlreiche Rahmenbestimmungen, um Sie als Arbeitnehmer vor Arbeitsunfällen zu bewahren und Ihre allgemeine Gesundheit zu schützen. Arbeitnehmer meint in diesem Zusammenhang alle Beschäftigten, auch Schüler, Praktikant

4 steps to an internship

  • Voluntary or compulsory internship
  • for professional orientation
  • to bridge the gap
  • to gain practical experience
  • to gain an insight into a particular company (Is this company a suitable trainer for me?)
  • ...
  • Duration
  • Salary
  • Social security
  • Entry and residence, if applicable
  • ...
  • Research on all platforms (Internet, employment agency, daily newspaper, notices...)
  • Inquire directly with interesting companies (unsolicited application)
  • Clarify internship tasks in advance and compare them with your own expectations
  • ...
  • Observe formal requirements
  • Seek expert help / have it proofread
  • ...